Heh another day another offended person. I wonder why this time no mob arrived for revenge? It is quite common scenario - somebody gets "offended" by something minimal, like if I tell them what to do if they ask what to do (no, nothing actually offensive), then grows mob of supporters, nobody hears your side and the whole mob attack you. Now you feel like you will never try to help any person on that channel. This is Discord - everyone is full of themselves, glass souls and attention whores. There is no way out - they choose you as offender. Such communities make hobbies much less fun. It is good that most people are not this way. Good old IRC never had this problem for some reason - maybe more mature audience?

Anyway, sad things aside, I do have some progress on navigation - got debug rendering work, now I can find what is the problem with navmesh generation.

Also I want to link here my older repository, generator for roadmaps. Might be useful for somebody starting to implement random generated cities. Some promises are broken with it as I did not add growth rules and other things. Sorry. I need this thing too, so I will add that as soon as I complete navigation and another thing. Feel free to send PR if you want.


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